We couldn’t do this without your support, so for those who contributed to our IndieGoGo campaign, thank you!


The IndieGoGo campaign is now closed, but we'll make sure to post information when the film goes public in the very near future. Thanks to all who donated and contributed, and if you haven’t already, make sure to sign up for updates to be the first to know when the film will be publicly available.

Sign up for updates here!


Check back often to find out when the film is publicly released.

Our fundraising campaign is now closed, but make sure to sign up for updates to find out when the film will be publicly available to watch.


There is still time to help us, and we need your support!  Please help us spread the word and check back often to see when you can see this film.  Sign up for updates so you don't miss the first opportunity to reserve your copy of "Norwood, Where Legends Were Born."


Sign up for updates so you don't miss the opportunity to reserve your copy of "Norwood, Where Legends Were Born."

Spread the Word

Tell your friends and family about "Norwood, Where Legends Were Born".  If someone you know has an automotive interest, they'll want to know about this!